Learn My Top 4 Tips to Improve Picky Eating

Some days it can feel like everyone and their brother has an opinion on how to feed your child better than you.

Maybe your partner believes that you are fussing too much, or your mother thinks that if you would use the right spoon (or fork, or plate, or tone of voice....) everything would click.

The truth is, it's not that easy. There isn't one magic thing that you should be doing that would "fix" your child's eating challenges. In fact, if it were easy, you'd have already figured it out.

So, give up the struggle. Stop the blame. Give yourself grace. Supporting your child with extremely picky eating can be hard in so many ways, and you do not need to be perfect.

Families of children with autism or severe picky eating have unique struggles when it comes to mealtimes. Your child may be more sensitive to taste, texture, smell, or temperature than other kiddos. Your honey may also have skill delays that impact their eating.

Here, Iā€™m sharing a series of strategies, my top 4 tips, that you can follow to help your child try new foods - while also honoring their unique needs: